City Council Picks the Final Electoral District Draft Map for Future Council Elections
At last night’s city council meeting, the Council unanimously picked National Demographics Corporation’s (NDC) Created Purple Map 2B as the final electoral district draft map. This map was created as a result of public input stressing the desire of keeping many neighborhoods together, as best as possible, and Mayor Henry’s suggestion to split the downtown so that at least two councilmembers represent a portion.
The Council also introduced and read an ordinance related to the final electoral draft map. Additionally, the council stipulated that Districts 3, 4, and 5 will hold city council elections in 2018 and Districts 1 and 2 will hold elections in 2020.
Currently, Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis lives in District 1 and he serves as an “at large” member of the council until 2020. Likewise, Councilmember John Aguilar lives in District 2 and he also holds an “at large” seat until 2020 as both councilmembers were elected to four-year terms in the November 2016 election. Councilmember Shelley Kaplan lives in District 1 and his term ends in 2018.
Mayor Stan Henry and Councilmember Mark Carnevale both live in District 3. Both councilmembers terms expire in 2018. District 3’s election will occur in 2018. If both councilmembers decided to run for re-election, then they would have to run against each other or any additional candidate.
District 4 and 5 have no current councilmembers living in these districts and both districts are up for election in 2018. The voters in those districts will elect a new councilmember.
You can view NDC’s Created Purple Map 2B at
A second and final reading of the ordinance will occur on September 27, 2017 at the final public hearing on this topic.
On March 8, 2017, the City Council approved a Resolution initiating procedures for establishing and implementing “by-district” elections for City Council Members starting in November 2018, which is consistent with Elections Code section 10010. The City Council also approved a Resolution specifying the criteria to guide the establishment of electoral districts. These criteria require the districts to be roughly equal in population, and drawn in a manner that does not result in a denial or abridgement of the right of any citizen to vote on account of race or color.