CONE ZONE ALERT: Highway 111 in Cathedral City Will Be Temporarily Closed on Saturday, December 9th for Holiday Light Parade at Snow-Fest
East Palm Canyon Drive (Highway 111) traffic in Cathedral City will be re-routed on Saturday, December 9, 2017 between 5:00 pm and approximately 6:30 pm due to the 1st Annual Snow-Fest Holiday Light Parade in Downtown Cathedral City (see attached route). Approximately 50 lighted contingents will be part of the parade.
Westbound thru-traffic on East Palm Canyon Drive will be re-routed north on Date Palm Drive to Perez Road. Drivers will turn left on Perez Road and head straight to eventually return back to East Palm Canyon Drive near the Cathedral City Auto Center. Westbound motorists wanting to attend Snow-Fest can turn left from Perez Road onto Cathedral Canyon Drive to make their way to the Downtown Parking Structure at 68-600 Avenida Lalo Guerrero.
Eastbound thru-traffic on East Palm Canyon Drive will be re-routed to turn left at Perez Road near the Cathedral City Auto Center and continue on Perez Road until they reach Date Palm Drive. Motorists will turn right onto Date Palm Drive until they reach East Palm Canyon Drive. Eastbound motorists wanting to attend Snow-Fest can continue on East Palm Canyon Drive until they reach Cathedral Canyon Drive. They will turn left onto Cathedral Canyon Drive and then turn an immediate right onto Avenida Lalo Guerrero to make their way to the Downtown Parking Structure at 68-600 Avenida Lalo Guerrero.
In addition, the parade route will require nearby downtown streets adjacent to East Palm Canyon Drive (HWY 111) to be closed at 3:00 pm as well. They include:
1. Hillery, Grove, and Dawes Roads
2. Monty Hall Street from Hillery Road to East Palm Canyon Street
3. Van Fleet from EPC to B Street
4. B Street from Van Fleet to Cathedral Canyon Drive
5. A Street from Cathedral Canyon Drive east to the turn around
6. Grove Street from Cathedral Canyon Drive east to the turn around
7. Cove Lane from Cathedral Canyon Drive to West Buddy Rogers Avenue
8. West Buddy Rogers Avenue from Buddy Rogers Avenue to B Street
9. Cathedral Canyon Drive from B Street to East Palm Canyon Drive
10. George Montgomery Trail from Avenida Lalo Guerrero to East Palm Canyon Drive
11. Avenida Lalo Guerrero from Parking Structure entrance to Pickfair Street.