A Summer Eskate – Thursday Evening – July 20th – Desert Ice Castle
Tired of the dog days of summer? Need a summer escape?
The City of Cathedral City wants you to cool down for a Free Summer ESkate at Desert Ice Castle, Coachella Valley’s only indoor ice skating rink, on Thursday, July 20, 2017 from 7 pm to 9 pm. ESkate allows up to 175 people to ice skate for free including skate rental on a first-come, first-serve basis. Ages 3 years and up. No RSVPs. Just come to the main doors at Desert Ice Castle and pick-up your free pass on Thursday evening from the Cathedral City Parks and Community Events Commission.
Although it may be 100 degrees outside, its freezing inside Desert Ice Castle. So, be sure to wear warm clothes.
If you cannot make it to this free event on Thursday, come to Desert Ice Castle on the 1st Tuesday of each month for “Two for Tuesday” – a new program that offers Cathedral City residents half-price admission and skate rental (holidays excluded) with proof of City residency (identification, utility bill, or anything similar).
For more information, go to https://www.discovercathedralcity.com/event/summer-eskate-desert-ice-castle