Cathedral City Crime Rate Drops 27% in One Year

Cathedral City Crime Rate Drops 27% in One Year

Police Chief Travis Walker announced at last night’s City Council meeting that crime against property and persons in Cathedral City had dropped 27% in 2017. This is the third year in a row that Cathedral City has seen a reduction in crime and a 54% drop in crime since 2011. Cathedral City remains one of the safest cities in the Coachella Valley.

Each year, police departments from across the United States must report Part 1 Crimes to the Federal Bureau of Investigations’ Uniform Crime Report. Part 1 Crimes are the eight most serious crimes such as homicide, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, grand theft motor vehicle, rape and arson.

Chief Walker credited this drastic drop in crime due to new police strategies and crime analyses as well as proactive policing efforts by officers. Cathedral City prides itself in having a fully staffed police department, enhancing its partnerships with the community, and having a less than 7-minute response time to Priority Calls.

Here are the statistics:
2017 910 (Part 1 Crimes Reported)
2016 1,250
2015 1,271
2014 1,322
2013 1,267
2012 1,780
2011 2,009

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Chris Parman

View posts by Chris Parman
Former Communications & Events Manager 760-770-0396
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