Officer Hodge

Cathedral City Now Has a Full-Time Homeless Liaison Officer to Serve the Community

Chief George Crum and the Cathedral City Police Department are excited to announce that there is now a full time Homeless Liaison Officer in Cathedral City. Officer Dwayne Hodge has eagerly taken on this important responsibility and he is already making great contributions through his efforts with the homeless population in the City.

Officer Hodge has been with the Cathedral City Police Department for over 15 years. Officer Hodge possesses great people skills and has a genuine desire to make a positive impact in the City by providing resource options, aid, and any other assistance needed to those seeking help, reunification with family, or improved housing alternatives. He will collaborate with other Government Agencies, service organizations and non-profits to find long term solutions for homeless individuals.

As a Law Enforcement Officer, Officer Hodge will also be enforcing City municipal codes as well as applicable state laws when necessary and appropriate in the performance of his duties. However, his efforts will be focused on providing assistance options and resources to those in need with a desire to receive assistance.

Officer Hodge will receive specialized training and is eager to begin working with all of the stakeholders in Cathedral City to find long term solutions. The Homeless Liaison Officer can be reached at 760-202-2486.

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Chris Parman

View posts by Chris Parman
Former Communications & Events Manager 760-770-0396
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