CONE ZONE ALERT: Signal Modifications at Date Palm Drive and East Palm Canyon Drive

The City of Cathedral City’s Public Works Department wishes to inform residents, visitors, and members of the media that a temporary traffic control operation will be in effect tomorrow.

WHEN: Friday, March 21, 2025, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

WHERE: The intersection of Date Palm Drive and East Palm Canyon Drive

WHAT: The contractor for the Cathedral Cove Center will be performing signal modifications. During this time, traffic signals at this intersection will be set to FLASHING RED in all directions.

IMPACT: Motorists should treat the flashing red signal as a FOUR-WAY STOP. Please exercise caution when traveling through this busy intersection and expect possible delays. THIS CONE ZONE WILL BE IN EFFECT FOR ONE DAY ONLY.


  • Reduce your speed in the Cone Zone
  • Watch for workers and equipment
  • Allow extra travel time through the area
  • Consider using alternate routes

For more information, please contact:

Shawn Maddox
Engineering Field Project Manager

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Ryan Hunt

View posts by Ryan Hunt
Communications & Events Manager 760-770-0396
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