Deputy Police Chief Tony Yoakum Ceremoniously Sworn-In Today
Police Chief Travis Walker welcomed the Yoakum family, former and current Yoakum co-workers, city staff and members of the community this morning as all came to witness the swearing-in ceremony of Deputy Police Chief Tony Yoakum.
Deputy Chief Yoakum will serve as second-in-command of the Cathedral City Police Department and will oversee the day-to-day management of the Operations Division, Services Division and Investigations Division. Yoakum comes to Cathedral City from the City of Upland Police Department where he valiantly served the Upland community for the last 28 years and has had many opportunities to work on a variety of distinguished assignments throughout his career.
Deputy Police Yoakum has a Master of Science degree from California State University, Long Beach and lengthy list of certificates, licenses, awards and recognitions.
Please join us in giving a big welcome to Deputy Police Chief Tony Yoakum.