Dream Homes Park Grant Community Meetings

The City will be holding three community Dream Homes Park Design Meetings in May for the neighborhood at the Agua Caliente Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room.

The park designer and City staff will meet with the residents to build upon park design ideas from previous community meetings.

In addition, City partners, Desert Healthcare District, Loma Linda University Health, and El Sol Neighborhood Educational Center, who have been developing a community needs assessment for the Dream Homes, will be in attendance.

The focus of the meetings will be listening and understanding community needs regarding park design, as well as discussing how the park will meet the health needs of the community.

The dates and times for the meetings are as follows:

Dream Homes Park Community Meetings

Agua Caliente Elementary School, Multi-Purpose Room
30800 San Luis Rey Drive, Cathedral City

  • Tuesday, May 7th at 2:30 pm 
  • Tuesday, May 7th at 5:30 pm
  • Saturday, May 18th at 11:30 am
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Kevin Lockwood

View posts by Kevin Lockwood
Webmaster / Graphic Designer KLockwood@cathedralcity.gov 760-770-0366
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