Fall Prevention
Join us for a FREE Fall Prevention event on October 11, 2024, at 10:00 am at Cathedral City Senior Center in Cathedral City!
Staylng Actlve Is essential to good health as we get older, but our risk falling and fracturing bones or suffering a traumatic brain Injury Increases.
Join us for this FREE event to hear all about Fall Prevention from the Cathedral City Fire Department, in collaboration with the Desert Care Network.
Learn safe medicine practices, practical tips to help fall-proof your home, steps to prevent fall-related injuries and the importance of gait and grip strength.
Don’t miss this opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones. Falling shouldn’t be a normal part of aging. Get informed and stay safe!
For more info, visit CathedralCityFire.org or scan the QR code in our flyer. See you there!
#FallPrevention #SeniorSafety #CathedralCity #HealthyAging
Click to access Fall-Prevention-Flyer_Senior-Center-10.11.24.pdf