Support the Cathedral City Public Library by Shopping
Did you know you can donate to the Cathedral City Library every time you shop and it doesn’t cost you anything? Do you shop at Ralph’s or Food4Less? Now there is a way you can support the Cathedral City Library by making “The Friends of the Cathedral City Library” your chosen charity on your loyalty card. It’s as easy as choosing the Cathedral City Public Library and adding its organization number 84226 to that rewards card.
All you need to do is follow the instructions on their sites to start donating:
Do you shop online at Now, you can support the public library every time you shop on Amazon.
1) Go to
2) You will be prompted to choose a charitable organization to whom your donations from eligible purchases will go.
3) Enter “Friends of the Cathedral City Library” into the text field.
4) Now, every purchase you make through will result in a small portion of your purchase going to the Cathedral City Library!