Are you a woman who is wanting to start or expand a business?
“It’s Your Time” (IYT) is grant-funded program through Citi Bank, and the training is delivered by Coachella Vallley Women’s Business Center instructors. The training centers around women entrepreneurs who aspire to start or expand a business, hence the curriculum covers everything from the building blocks of starting a business to how to write a business plan, to marketing, to legal entities, and much, much more.
The women who participate in the program gain terrific insights into both what to do when starting a business, and what not to do. They also receive business counseling that proves invaluable as they navigate the world as an entrepreneur. As a part of the program, the participants write a business plan, which they may use either to secure a loan or simply as a guide to how to run their business.
IYT is a valuable resource for many of the women who participate in the program, because it is offered at an extremely low cost. At a minimal cost to the participant ($20 to $125 dependent on income level for the four-month long program), women can learn from the best, be counseled by the best, and be guided through the process of writing a business plan. CVWBC enrolls close to forty women at a time in the program, twice a year, and with enrollment coming up now.
An online application for the program is available at and must be completed and submitted by 5 p.m. on February 3, 2017. No exceptions. Program orientation will take place on February 8, 2017.
IYT Application 2017 Fillable