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Art Galleries in Cathedral City

The Perez Art District

Mission: To increase awareness of the Perez Art District, where the public can see practicing artists in their workspaces, learn about their processes, and buy art directly.

H Building

Kippi Leonard Studio (H13)
Kippi Leonard: kippi@kipleeart.com

Shelley Heffler (H14):
Shelley Heffler shelleyheffler@gmail.com

Kim Manfredi Fine Art (H21)
Kim Manfredi: kimmanfredi@me.com

Carter George (H22)
George Byron: gpbyron@icloud.com
Konrad Carter:konrad@konradcarter.com

RMC1 (H25)
(Ryan Campbell): mohteldesign@yahoo.com

Elan Vital Gallery (H26)
Elan and Terry: Elanvital1@mac.com

Anne Bedrick Fine Art (H27)
Anne Bedrick: anne@annebedrick.com

Chase Langford (H28)
Chase Langford: chase@chaselangford.com

K. Anders Anderson Studio (H29)
Kersteen Anderson: kersteendfaf@gmail.com

Peek (H30)
Debi Grupe: Debigrupe@gmail.com

Skipton Art
(Keith Skipton) keith.skipton@gmail.com

I Building

JJ Harrington Gallery (i4)
(Michael Harrington): mike4pic2007@yahoo.com
(Wyman Lancaster) mail.wyman@gmail.com

Recluse Arts (i7&i8)
(Xenia): xeniaysmith@gmail.com
(Colin): cottonpickinplayer@gmail.com

Palm Springs Fine Art Printing (i12)
Taylor and DeMarcus Taylor@palmspringsgripandlighting.com

Kurt Glowienke Fine Art (i13)
Kurt Glowienke: kurtg17@comcast.net

Dina Ridha (i14)
Dina Ridha: DinaRidha@gmail.com

Robert Landry: robertrlandryjr@gmail.com

Tribal Island Designs (i15)
Angeline Hayling and OD: AHayling@islandtribeusa.com

Andrée B. Carter Fine Art (i17)
Andrée B. Carter: abstractabc@gmail.com

Riofine Neon Signs (i18)
Rio Score: riofineneon@aol.com

Datura Art Studios (i19-22)
Dana Swanson Patel: Danapatel@mindspring.com

Desert Art Woman Gallery and Studios (i26)
Juliette Vos vos.juliette@gmail.com
Barbara Boissevain Barbaraboissevain@gmail.com
Chris Stone chrisstone08@gmail.com

Art Job Studio Gallery (i27)
Rick Dinihanian and Steven Margolin: rick@artjob.life

M Building
68929 Perez Rd

Object culture (Suite M)
Barry: barry@objectculture.com

Hedge - (Suite F)
(760) 770-0090

D Building

Scrap gallery (D 16)
Karen Riley - - karen@scrapgallery.org

Art Studios or Schools in Cathedral City

Datura Art Studios, 68895 Perez Road, Cathedral City, CA 92234  (760) 534.9007

Cathedral City Public Arts Commission

Perfect Union Sculpture EPC East 3rThe Public Arts Commission advances performing and visual art in the community. It makes recommendations to the City Council on the selection, acquisition and installation of public art paid for by developer fees; support and production of concerts, readings and other live arts performances; sponsor programs; development and use of facilities for arts projects; and cooperative ventures with other art organizations throughout the Coachella Valley.

Cathedral City Public Art

Cathedral City Historical Society

Cathedral City Historical Society Logo

Agnes Pelton Society

Agnes Pelton

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